Friday, February 26, 2010

Monday Tungsten Party

For our afternoon Tungsten party, we will do

1. Stuffed animals
2. gum
3. candy
4. laptops
5. electronics
6. hats
7. baby picture
8. double snacktime
9. extra book club
10. 5 min. of extra recess

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Famous Missourian

We will start our Famous Missourian research projects on Monday. Now is a good time to start thinking about the famous Missourian you would like to "be" for our living museum. Here is a sample of how you will format your Bio-boards:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Geometry Link

Click here for some geometry practice, using protractors.

This (short) Week

No spelling list this week; several students have asked that I provide a challenge list EVERY week, so hopefully I'll be able to meet that demand in the coming weeks!

We are studying "how-to" writing in class. Students are creating short pieces of writing that teach how to make a certain food, create a particular craft, or perform a sport action.

The Story of the Week is about a famous Arctic Disaster. We'll be watching an I-Max movie in class about exploration and discovery.

We have a symphony field trip Thursday. About eight students have not turned in permission and $$$ -- please check on that.

For math, we're getting into geometry. Some words to know:
right angle
obtuse angle
acute angle
intersecting lines
line segment

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Our Busy Week

This week we are focused on divisibility rules as well as working through factors and multiples -- we are heading toward fractions and geometry for our next math lessons.

Math Ch. 16 test on Thursday.

Spelling Ch. 16

Reading: we are still working on types of fiction. This week, we're using several historical fiction pieces to discuss setting.

Language: the students are combining sentences and fixing run-ons.

Science: our most recent lab experiment involves physical and chemical changes in matter.

S.S.: We are beginning Ch. 7.