Monday, October 19, 2009

Weekly Update!

Big Testing Week -- students may take the Ch. 8 Spelling Test any day when using classroom laptops - make sure to print out a copy with your name.

Math Chapter 7 Test on Wednesday: be able to use a line graph, double-bar graph, and make conclusions from the data on the graph. Refer to your daily work and to review. We'll have a pretest tomorrow.

S.S. Chapter 3 Test on Friday: Use your study guide and textbook to review connections between the first Missourians, Mound Builders, etc. We will review on Thursday in-class, and right before the test. Elevation maps are featured on this one!

We are starting our author study of Andrew Clements. Students have chosen books. These may of course come home.


Anonymous said...

Do we have a story of the week this week?


Mr. Kuhn said...

We do have a story of the week. I'll send it home today. Hope you're feeling better, Zia!
