Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This Week

Sorry for the late post here, students and parents!

This week we are continuing the same spelling list as last week. Students may test on Spelling City whenever they are ready.

Chapter 27 Math Test Friday.

Big project in Science -- in class, we are creating dioramas to show a food chain within a specific Missouri ecosystem: cave, wetland, glade, or stream. Students are very fired up!

Last-minute field trip, for free! Next Wednesday, we'll hop over to Powder Valley to follow up our Nature Unleashed program, and have a nature scavenger hunt, watch birds, and study Missouri ecosystems.

Writing - students are creating a work of fiction (in class) and will make an action figure to match their story.

Poetry Day - Please be sure to come to Poetry Day this Friday, from 2:15 - 2:45-ish. Students will read two of their original poems, and we'll enjoy refreshments, as well.

Chess - if you have noticed your student has an unusually high interest in chess, then I'm to blame. Our class has really enjoyed learning the basics of chess. What a fantastic, life-long game to begin learning! I'm very proud of my students' mature behavior during chess matches.

Reading - students are working in book groups reading a high-interest book. Ask about the characters, plot, or premise. My students love to brag about their latest read!

Grade Checkups went home Wednesday. Please review grades, initial, and send back.

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